Deprogramming Programs

Deprogramming Programs

The entire process of meditation is to de-program you.

Deprograming you is of the utmost importance , we have all been programmed since birth we have been trained with fixed ideas, which means we have  some preset ideas about life, and decluttering oneself is important and necessary , when you are born the first idea which has been given to you is about your religion , right from the beginning  you have been programmed that you are a Christian,  a Hindu,  a Muslim, a Jew or follower of some Guru or some sect and this has become your trouble , all your doors have been closed, you have been given one direction by either your parents or your family , without even understanding what religion means,  one religious idea is  implanted in your life it , it is a surprise  that even your parents or your family do not understand anything about religion, they simply are followers but still they have imposed certain religious beliefs upon you , they are not completely wrong because they have also been programmed  in the similar way , so they have passed the program onto you, this programming  tradition is infectious, it becomes a habit.
As soon as you grow up, again somehow you are programmed about your career, if you are a doctor’s son then you are supposed to become a doctor, if you are a lawyer’s child then you are supposed to become a lawyer, without even understanding and realizing your intellectual capacity your parents start believing and programming you to become what they desire, what they have dreamt off ... this has been the trouble.
I knew of a family,  the old father had four Sons , and none of the sons were married and when I asked them what is the problem that nobody in the family is getting married , the eldest son said that right from their childhood they have been told that the woman is not someone to be trusted and that this is the reason why they have never thought of getting married,  on my further questioning I was told that their father had some miserable experiences with their mother and since then he has been constantly programming his Sons not to get involved with any woman, the mind has a great grasping capacity it easily takes whatever it has been told, and with constantly programing  something into you, that is what you are going to become , mind loves to get into negative things, this is the reason the first thought you get is always negative example if you are going for an interview the first thought you will get will I fail, , if someone is sick the first question is will I get alright, people seldom think positive - this negativity is there inbuilt you because you are not open , you are not living moment to moment ,  you are  living in the past , and past is full of memories, memories that you have are more of the bad things rather than the good  - decluttering yourself is required, you need to be deprogrammed – the habit of living with memories, past, negativity has to be removed –only then living with freedom is possible.
Deprogramming yourself will create the emptiness , the space within you unless and until you are empty , new ideas ,  the real bare truth cannot come unto you, each day mind keeps on gathering the information , gathering knowledge,  this  knowledge and information becomes your program, this becomes the basis of how you behave and how you work in your life, knowledge is good it certainly helps , but emptiness is also very much required, it creates the openness , it creates the space, the much wanted space ,  it make you reach out, this is your very purpose to come to meditation - to reach out to the existence, to the oneness,  to the ultimate power , to the within , this is what is called as journey to the within , with fixed ideas, with an cluttered mind , this journey is almost impossible , the openness creates the further space for the new ideas to come in and this is the way you grow , for the growth of the within to happen it is important that the clutter of the  within has to be cleared, it is an process, it can only happen by meditation, there is no other way.
Deprogramming is a simple process it hardly takes time, a few hours of  meditation each day will help you completely deprogram yourself and  within a few years  you will be a transformed personality, the word personality here is important, your outlook will change, you will be completely deprogramed, the emptiness will come within you  and this is the only way to make you  a complete human being which you are not at the moment, right at this moment you are a programmed personality someone like a robot who knows what to do and when to do and how to do but  without realization, without much understanding – it simply moves on knowledge, right now you’re functioning with the mind and not with the heart.
Meditation is that deprogramming which will make you a human from a robot, you will be a person with a heart, that heart will want love, it will not reject sex, it will say yes to friends, to laughter because then you will want to live, to live with whatever you have, then you will feel that whatever you have is enough to give to happiness, then your happiness will not be dependent on something yet to come.

You will no more be a Christian, a Muslim, a Guru follower,  a Hindu or a Jew , you will be simply a human being, the entire process is to make you a human being first,  all this shuttle programs are nothing but huge amount of ego within you , the more the educated  you become,  the more the ego increases within, for example a Doctor you will always find that a doctor is always addressed as a Doctor by his friends and even to some extent by his wife , no one calls  him by his name but everyone calls him Doctor , Doctor  is his qualification not his name , he is known by his qualification not by his name,  the programming is such that you have forgotten to call people by their names and this is also seen in  retired Government officers they must have retired from their job 10 years back but still they call themselves as a retired Army officer or Retired Police officer, the problem is that nobody wants to shell out their past nobody wants to declutter themselves , everyone wants to hold on ,cling on to something or the other, may it be a belief system or some idiotic qualification even if they have qualified from the worst institute , each one wants their garbage with them, then these are the people who complain that they cannot sleep , they go into depression,  they are bound to come into depression,  they are bound to get sleepless nights because they carry their own garbage ,they carry their past more impressively  than their present and they leave no chance to flaunt it.
My effort is to make human beings, to get knowledge to you,  to deprogram you to make you understand that you may be a Doctor but you are a human first, you may be a soldier but you are a human first if human  recognizes that they are humans first the entire problem will be solved, then being superhuman will not be required,  then asking for impossible desires will vanish, then running after so-called superhuman Gurus and superhuman priests will no longer be required, then the ego will go, then running after God will no longer be required, your quest to search will end, the emptiness of the within, the silence of the within will not fetch you answers to your question but in turn, will make the questions disappear, this is when you will experience eternal peace, which is called inner peace.
But only deprogramming is not the order of the day,  Deprogramming  will erase the garbage, it will clear the clutter and it will make you empty and for most of you it will be then difficult to live in the emptiness, now new type of problem will start with you, now you will   start collecting more and more garbage when you are empty,  because you have the habit to fill in the gaps, here your meditation will play an active role every day it will clear the garbage and it will create more space for the newness,  for the beautifulness to come in and only the much-required information will be collected and other non-important things will be removed as garbage this is the entire process of meditation, then life will be simply live-able, it will have less weight, it will be burden-less, pure, like a lotus, which lives in the dirty pond yet it is not desired.
The process of deprogramming will create the emptiness and the meditation will create the perfect vehicle to enjoy the emptiness this is the very step of BLISS to follow.
The process of  meditation is like cleaning your wardrobe ,the day you clean it, you remove the clutter, you remove the old unwanted things and create a new space for the new things to come, the new things come in- my  effort is  to make you come into the emptiness into the space- less- ness, into being alone but not lonely, because it is true that when you are alone you will discover the truth ,you will discover yourself, you will discover the existence, in this emptiness ,in your meditativeness , then it will be impossible for the Priests , for the Gurus for the Religion to program you again, for the world to program you with their nonsense , then only sense will prevail, this also does not mean that you will no longer be an Christian, or a Hindu or a Muslim in fact you will be a better one , the one who does not require religion to seek desires, but then religion will be an ocean of calmness, it will make you pure, a better person, the very purpose , the very reason of the religion will sink into you.
And in this beautiful state,  God is not required, in fact, you will require nobody, you yourself will be more than enough to tackle your life, you will live your life to experience its totality, you will then experience the vastness of life,  then you will not be required to become a follower, you will require no  Gurus, you will require no religious leaders, in fact, you will not even require religion because you yourself will set yourself on the part of being religious, of being pure, you alone are enough, more than enough.
The mind creates the clutter, it is the dirty mind which gathers the dirt, work with the heart, the heart is always pure, it has fragrance, the heart will take to the path of the pureness, the existence, towards the inner silence, the mind will always take you outwards, towards the past, it decides good and bad that creates the problem, mind discriminates and the heart unites.
Mind is the place of the devil, the society has used the mind against the people they have made you followers, they have made you feel burdened.
Life is never a burden how can it be, the things which flow can never be a burden, things which are stagnant are a burden, like a mind.
There was a person his wife always kept on nagging, he used to  pray to God to do something that his wife loses her memory because all the time she used to talk about the past, to nag the poor husband from all the memories that she had collected, the husband was left with no choice but to pray to God to do something that his wife loses all her memories and it did happen,  God listened, the wife lost all her memory,  now there was nobody to nag now there was nobody to talk over the past, the poor husband again prayed to God to do something so that his wife regains all her memories, God listened and the wife regained her memories and again she started to nag, this is the way people are programmed they all want things without understanding, without any realization, this has been the problem, you do know what you want but you do not know how to use it.  
Deprogramming will help you to clear the past, clear the clutter but at the same time it will create space for the newness to come so that life becomes completely flowing, with joy, with bliss this is the purpose of my meditation, this is the very reason of meditation.

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Nothing To Consciousness,
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Nothing To Consciousness,
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