Do's and Donot's Of Meditation

Stages in Acharya Lively Meditation
Every Acharya Lively meditation technique has stages, some have two some three, some four, they have been designed with a purpose, the first stage takes you in a different level of coming into consciousness, and .so does the second stage and so on   - do not try to jump to the third stage from the first, follow the stages, if at all you forget what to do in a particular stage, do not bother  but keep watching, remain in awareness, that is the most important, it is possible your hand movements, your dance, your posture may not be same always or they may be as per the instructions  or it could be just opposite - do not bother about it , in meditation new will be and has to be experienced,  just flow with life, simply remember to watch yourself.

How to get out of Meditation
The entire purpose is not to get out of meditation but to carry the watchfulness with you in your daily life, however how to get out of the last stage of Aashish Lively  Meditation   -  is very simple-  remain relaxed, take a few deep breaths, gently open your eyes, move your hand up, open your arms as if you are welcoming life, do not get up with a jerk, there could be some numbness in your legs, it is just normal, you may experience some pain, feel it, you may feel sleepy, you may feel tired - be with it – the entire idea of meditation is to flow with life – to feel life and not to ignore life.
Once you finish the last stages of meditation, you may eat or drink water or anything, just maintain the relaxation for a few minutes, do not jump to make a phone call or rush to get out of the meditation hall, remain there, let your body be normal- feel your self.

Eating and Drinking before Meditation
It is absolutely normal to eat and drink water or juices  before you begin meditation, nothing should be done with a hungry stomach, in fact, meditation is all about living, in living life hunger has no place, do not consume alcohol before doing meditation, smoking cigarette is ok before and after meditation.

Health and Meditation
People with medical trouble should restrict their deliberate vigorous breathing, dance, and jumping to limit which your body permits – do not breathe too fast , do not dance too hard, just do what your body permits, do not try to do what others are doing – do not copy anyone -  there is no one to give you marks – simply be yourself - the very idea of meditation is not to force but to liberate yourself from the force itself.

Do not watch your pain to an extent that you stop the intake of medical help, meditation should be added to your life it is not a substitute for any medical help, meditation should not be done with a hungry stomach, the comfort of the body is equally important.
The music, the dancing, breathing, body movements, body positions, sitting positions are devices designed and mixed together to bring you into meditativeness Watchfulness, witnessing is the key towards meditation without coming into watching yourself and witnessing -  all the techniques  are useless then they will be just like the practice of dance or body exercises, remember  watching yourself and your thoughts is meditation.

Positions in Meditation
Various meditation techniques have different postures, positions, some meditations are designed while remaining standing, while sitting, while lying down, these are techniques to bring you into meditation but there is no ideal sitting position in meditation simply because meditation means Samadhi, which means witnessing, when you have to witness it means you have to just watch your thoughts, your actions and  this witnessing has to be carried in all your daily life - throughout the day.
Sitting in meditation is also a technique  to bring you into constant, continuous meditation, and for this to happen be seated in any comfortable position , in a silent place, once you are habituated to constant, continuous meditation then you will come into a state where meditation will happen, witnessing will happen even while driving car, watching movies and also during sex, this is where you have to reach, if this is true then sitting poses do not matter,as there is no prescribed position in sex  you simply have to do it be it in any position,  the purpose is to enjoy sex, similarly meditation has no specific position you have to simply do it and come into watching your thoughts.
Those you cannot bend their knees , can sit on any comfortable chair , place your palm over each other , cross your ankle  over each other and watch yourself.
You can use pillows, back rest cushions, floor mat to enhance your comfort while being seated.
In cold countries you can wear warm clothes, gloves , cap , sweater or lay an shawl over your legs.

Timings to do Meditation
Meditation is not an exercise, it is the art of realizing the silence of the within, there can never be any specific timings to do meditation, practice meditation whenever and wherever you can find time and space, the idea is to be relaxed and comfortable, and it is common sense that you do not do morning meditation in the night and night meditation in the morning.

Side Effects of Meditation
Meditation has no effects so how can it have side effects, if you do something then there is a question of having effects or side effects,  in meditation you have to do nothing, but just watch yourself, it is an art of doing nothing, simply watching your thoughts, your actions.

Things that are useless for Meditation
Incense sticks, candles, water fountain, Buddha statue, colored  light, a point of light mandala paintings, mantras, meditation symbols, beads, aroma oil, bamboo, massages, taking a bath, mala, meditation robe, meditation caps, yoga exercise, Fengshui, pyramids, pendulum   - all these things have nothing to do with meditation,  all that is needed to meditate is sitting in any position, anywhere and simply watching your thoughts.  

Things like a reasonable music system, mala, meditation robe, silent room, some fragrance are just tools to create an atmosphere to bring you into a starting point so you can start to meditate so that you can melt into your favorite meditation technique.

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Meditation Center at Goregaon West
Nothing To Consciousness,
A 1-7 Indrayudh Society,
Near Rosary Church,
M G Road, Goregaon West,
Mumbai 400 104.
+91 9819812127 / 9819811193


Meditation Center at Goa
Nothing To Consciousness,
Harmal , Madhlawada,
Arambol, North Goa
Goa 403524